moody's esg issuer profile

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moody's esg issuer profile

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March 19, 2023

MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. All rights reserved. To access the Excel supplement showing all published MIS ESG credit impact scores and issuer profile scores, visit: https://www.moodys.com/research/Cross-Sector-Global-MIS-ESG-credit-impactscores-and-issuer--PBC_1286636. Meanwhile, governance is a limited risk or a strength for most RLGs," says Hiroe Yamamoto, a Moody's Analyst. Moody's has also published sector reports for each sector under the expanded coverage, detailing its two types of ESG scores: 1) Moody's ESG issuer profile scores (IPS), which are opinions of an issuer's exposure to ESG considerations that could be material to credit risk; and 2) ESG credit impact scores (CIS), which communicate the impact those ESG considerations have on an issuer's credit rating. MCO and Moodys Investors Service also maintain policies and procedures to address the independence of Moodys Investors Service credit ratings and credit rating processes. 001-888-779-5833, So Paulo 0800-891-2518, or Buenos Aires Dial the AT&T Direct Dial Access code for, We brought you to this page based on your search query. PE firms that can deliver are reaping the rewards. IF IN DOUBT YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR FINANCIAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER.ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW, AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODYS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT.MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY ANY PERSON AS A BENCHMARK AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES AND MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY THAT COULD RESULT IN THEM BEING CONSIDERED A BENCHMARK.All information contained herein is obtained by MOODYS from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. +852-3758-1350, Sydney +61-2-9270-8141, Mexico City Overall, ESG considerations have a neutral to low credit impact on most US cities and counties with at least $500 million in debt, according to Moody's new scores. Industry commentators have hit back at the warnings made by analysts at Moody's Investors Service earlier this month that the ETF market could be exposed during periods of evaporating liquidity. Financial Services License of MOODY'S affiliate, Moody's Investors Service Pty Limited ABN 61 003 399 657AFSL 336969 and/or Moody's Analytics Australia Pty Ltd ABN 94 105 136 972 AFSL 383569 (as applicable). If this isn't what you are looking for, you can. Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings are assigned by an entity that is not a NRSRO and, consequently, the rated obligation will not qualify for certain types of treatment under U.S. laws. Moody's will continue to roll out scores for additional sectors throughout 2022. Moody's ESG Solutions' Temperature Alignment Data, a net zero solution . For more on Moody's Investors Service's integration of ESG into credit analysis, visit: https://esg.moodys.io/esg-credit#scores . Moody's is one of many firms that now assesses companies and governments on an "environmental, social and governance," or ESG, framework. Moody's recent ESG report also revealed that governance is the most influential ESG consideration. +852-3758-1350, Sydney +61-2-9270-8141, Mexico City 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. MOODYS DEFINES CREDIT RISK AS THE RISK THAT AN ENTITY MAY NOT MEET ITS CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AS THEY COME DUE AND ANY ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSS IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OR IMPAIRMENT. Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings are assigned by an entity that is not a NRSRO and, consequently, the rated obligation will not qualify for certain types of treatment under U.S. laws. Dial the AT&T Direct Dial Access code for, We brought you to this page based on your search query. Credit Impact Scores communicate the impact ESG considerations have on an entity's credit rating. http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274670, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274680, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274678, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274457, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274275, http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274272. Reflecting Moody's views of the negative governance risks, Signature Bank's governance issuer profile score was changed to G-5 from G-2 and its ESG credit impact score to CIS-5 from CIS-2 . Moody's Investors Service today expanded its coverage of ESG issuer profile and credit impact scores to a wide range of companies, utilities, financial institutions, and multilateral. The scores show that exposure to environmental credit considerations is negative or highly negative for more than 40% of the US cities, and moderately negative for nearly 40% of the US counties scored to date. SPRINGFIELD - Moody's Investors Service announced Tuesday that it has upgraded Illinois' bond rating to A3, up from Baa1, marking the eighth credit upgrade . visit our web site at www.moodys.com. our global press information hotlines: New York +1-212-553-0376, For emerging markets, environmental risk is most often Highly Negative or Moderately Negative, with physical climate risks often exacerbating or being exacerbated by water management. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT CONSTITUTE OR PROVIDE INVESTMENT OR FINANCIAL ADVICE, AND MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AND DO NOT PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO PURCHASE, SELL, OR HOLD PARTICULAR SECURITIES. Credit ratings, research, and risk analysis provider Moody's announced today the expansion of its ESG Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores with publications targeting large cities and counties in the U.S. with between $500 million and $1 billion in outstanding debt. Moody's Investors Service today published ESG Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores for US cities and US counties with between $500 million and $1 billion in outstanding debt. By Daniel Taub, Bloomberg 15 Mar 2023 06:55 Image: Stephanie Keith/Bloomberg London +44-20-7772-5456, Tokyo +813-5408-4110, Hong Kong Across all sectors, an entity's ability to address ESG considerations, and the significance of those ESG factors relative to other credit drivers, determine the overall credit impact. Ram is an ESG and a capital markets specialist with over 12 years of experience split between London and New York. 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. By telephone from outside the United States: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. IPS scores measure issuer's exposure to ESG considerations that could be material to credit risk, while CIS gauges the impact those ESG considerations have on an issuer's credit rating. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS, AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS AND IT WOULD BE RECKLESS AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR RETAIL INVESTORS TO USE MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS OR PUBLICATIONS WHEN MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION. MJKK and MSFJ are credit rating agencies registered with the Japan Financial Services Agency and their registration numbers are FSA Commissioner (Ratings) No. 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. visit our web site at www.moodys.com. The scores support Moody's Investors Service's integration of ESG in its credit analysis, providing greater clarity, consistency and differentiation on risk exposure and the degree of credit impact. The Expanding Case for ESG in Private Equity. Misheck Mutize (PhD)'s Post Misheck Mutize (PhD) Lead Expert: Country Support on Rating Agencies Previous experience in researching and drafting human rights and public policy for multiple stakeholders, including NGO's, high-ranking politicians, and think tanks.<br><br>Keen interest and experience in . Frigoglass Finance B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Frigoglass and is the issuer of the 260 million guaranteed senior secured notes due 2025. Reports analyzing key takeaways from the scores can be found at: https://www.moodys.com/search?keyword=Series%3A%20MIS%20ESG%20Scores%20, To learn more about the scores, visit: https://esg.moodys.io/esg-credit#scores, An Excel report with all entity scores published to date is available here: https://www.moodys.com/research/Cross-Sector-Global-MIS-ESG-credit-impact-scores-and-issuer--PBC_1286636, Subscribers can access the report on Retail & Apparel companies' ESG scores at: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1317688. Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings are assigned by an entity that is not a NRSRO and, consequently, the rated obligation will not qualify for certain types of treatment under U.S. laws. The Adviser uses this score to determine if the security will be added to or held in the Fund.All the Fund's securities are scored for ESG risk except those issued by the U.S. government, its agencies, and its instrumentalities but are deemed by the Adviser to be in the top three ESG scoring categories. Marie Diron, Moody's managing director of sovereign risk and the report's co-author, said the scores highlight the relative vulnerability of sovereigns to climate change, water risk or carbon. MOODYS ISSUES ITS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLISHES ITS PUBLICATIONS WITH THE EXPECTATION AND UNDERSTANDING THAT EACH INVESTOR WILL, WITH DUE CARE, MAKE ITS OWN STUDY AND EVALUATION OF EACH SECURITY THAT IS UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR PURCHASE, HOLDING, OR SALE. The rating agency said it had updated the state's. In advanced economies, carbon transition poses challenges for a small minority, threatening economic models and RLGs' revenue bases. by Karl Evers-Hillstrom. CREDIT RATINGS, NON-CREDIT ASSESSMENTS (ASSESSMENTS), AND OTHER OPINIONS INCLUDED IN MOODYS PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT STATEMENTS OF CURRENT OR HISTORICAL FACT. The scores support Moody's integration of ESG in its credit analysis, providing greater clarity, consistency and differentiation on risk exposure and the degree of credit impact. MOODYS DEFINES CREDIT RISK AS THE RISK THAT AN ENTITY MAY NOT MEET ITS CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AS THEY COME DUE AND ANY ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSS IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OR IMPAIRMENT. MJKK and MSFJ are credit rating agencies registered with the Japan Financial Services Agency and their registration numbers are FSA Commissioner (Ratings) No. Issuer Profile Scores assess rated debt issuers' exposure to material ESG credit considerations, while Credit Impact Scores demonstrate the impact of ESG factors on issuers' credit ratings. 20 May 2019. visit our web site at www.moodys.com. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS, AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS AND IT WOULD BE RECKLESS AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR RETAIL INVESTORS TO USE MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS OR PUBLICATIONS WHEN MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION. - State Government US: ESG considerations have mostly neutral to low credit impact on US states: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274670, - Local Government US: ESG considerations have neutral to low credit impact on most large US cities: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274680, - Local Government US: ESG considerations have neutral to low credit impact on most large US counties: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBM_1274678, - Regulated Electric and Gas Utilities Global: ESG considerations have an overall credit negative impact on utilities with generation: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274457, - Medical Products and Devices Global: ESG considerations have a negative to neutral credit impact on the sector: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274275, For more on Moody's and ESG, visit: https://esg.moodys.io/, Subscribers can access the report Pharmaceuticals Global: ESG considerations have an overall credit negative effect on the sector at: http://www.moodys.com/researchdocumentcontentpage.aspx?docid=PBC_1274272. ESG Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores have been assigned to rated debt issuers across a range of government and enterprise sectors since launching in January 2021, Credit impact of ESG risks on international RLGs in advanced economies is limited, but negative on those in emerging markets. IF IN DOUBT YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR FINANCIAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER.ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW, AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODYS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT.MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY ANY PERSON AS A BENCHMARK AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES AND MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY THAT COULD RESULT IN THEM BEING CONSIDERED A BENCHMARK.All information contained herein is obtained by MOODYS from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. He currently leads the global effort on the integration of social considerations into analysis, ratings and research. . Methodology Methodology for integrating ESG into credit analysis 19 Oct 2021 | Moody's Investors Service Both scores use a five-point scale: 1 is positive, 2 is neutral to low, 3 is moderately negative, 4 is highly negative and 5 is very highly negative. CREDIT RATINGS, NON-CREDIT ASSESSMENTS (ASSESSMENTS), AND OTHER OPINIONS INCLUDED IN MOODYS PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT STATEMENTS OF CURRENT OR HISTORICAL FACT. Social risk exposure is Neutral-to-Low for most RLGs but ranges from Positive to Very Highly Negative, largely reflecting the country's economic development. The maximum number of items you can export is 3,000. (MJKK) is a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moody's Group Japan G.K., which is wholly-owned by Moodys Overseas Holdings Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCO. Moody's is one of many firms that now assesses companies and governments on an "environmental, social and governance," or ESG, framework. Thank you for your interest in sharing Moody's Research. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, all information contained herein is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS DO NOT COMMENT ON THE SUITABILITY OF AN INVESTMENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR INVESTOR. SEE APPLICABLE MOODYS RATING SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS PUBLICATION FOR INFORMATION ON THE TYPES OF CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ADDRESSED BY MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS. Moody's Investors Service today published environmental, social and governance (ESG) issuer profile and credit impact scores for a range of corporate issuers, utilities and US state and local governments. Thank you for your interest in sharing Moody's Research. Support senior members of the ESG relationship management team by . IF IN DOUBT YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR FINANCIAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER.ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW, AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODYS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT.MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY ANY PERSON AS A BENCHMARK AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES AND MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY THAT COULD RESULT IN THEM BEING CONSIDERED A BENCHMARK.All information contained herein is obtained by MOODYS from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. JOURNALISTS : 81 3 5408 4110Client Service : 81 3 5408 4100, Releasing Office :Moody's Japan K.K.Atago Green Hills Mori Tower 20fl2-5-1 Atago, Minato-kuTokyo, 105-6220JapanJOURNALISTS : 81 3 5408 4110Client Service : 81 3 5408 4100. Subsequently, S&P and Moody's downgraded PG&E's rating due to its challenging environment, and the company finally filed for bankruptcy on 29 . On December 7th, Moody's published ESG scores for around 220 Financial Institutions, across different sectors. The rating agency said it had updated the state's "issuer profile score" in the governance category to 2 from 3. Moody's is one of many firms that now assesses companies and governments on an "environmental, social and governance," or ESG, framework. The scores also demonstrate that the credit impact of ESG considerations on most manufacturing companies is evenly split between neutral to low and moderately negative. You can also email us at [emailprotected] or Both scores use a five-point scale. The RFC will introduce considerations for the assignment of ESG scores to financial institutions. MOODYS PUBLICATIONS MAY ALSO INCLUDE QUANTITATIVE MODEL-BASED ESTIMATES OF CREDIT RISK AND RELATED OPINIONS OR COMMENTARY PUBLISHED BY MOODYS ANALYTICS, INC. Meanwhile, governance is a strength or poses limited risk for most RLGs. In addition to a range of governments, financial institutions and corporate sectors already covered, Moody's ESG Issuer Profile and Credit Impact Scores have been expanded to new sectors: manufacturing, aerospace and defense, retail and apparel, construction, and building materials, The scores, which assess an entity's exposure to material ESG credit considerations and the impact on its credit rating, will continue rolling out to entities across more sectors throughout 2022. Moody's Investors Service today published ESG Issuer Profile Scores and Credit Impact Scores for US cities and US counties with between $500 million and $1 billion in outstanding debt. Financial Services License of MOODY'S affiliate, Moody's Investors Service Pty Limited ABN 61 003 399 657AFSL 336969 and/or Moody's Analytics Australia Pty Ltd ABN 94 105 136 972 AFSL 383569 (as applicable). Moody's could also upgrade the BCA and ratings if the bank decided to substantially increase its capitalisation buffers . Thank you for your interest in sharing Moody's Research. visit our web site at www.moodys.com. Please reduce your list by using the filtering tool to the left. While initially focused on sovereign issuers, coverage was expanded in 2021 to include more than 1,700 governments, financial institutions and corporations across a wide range of sectors. IMPORTANT NOTICE: MOODY'S RATINGS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY RETAIL INVESTORS. Moody's Japan K.K. . (MJKK) is a wholly-owned credit rating agency subsidiary of Moody's Group Japan G.K., which is wholly-owned by Moodys Overseas Holdings Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCO. This publication does not announce a credit rating action. IF IN DOUBT YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR FINANCIAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER.ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROTECTED BY LAW, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYRIGHT LAW, AND NONE OF SUCH INFORMATION MAY BE COPIED OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED, REPACKAGED, FURTHER TRANSMITTED, TRANSFERRED, DISSEMINATED, REDISTRIBUTED OR RESOLD, OR STORED FOR SUBSEQUENT USE FOR ANY SUCH PURPOSE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN ANY FORM OR MANNER OR BY ANY MEANS WHATSOEVER, BY ANY PERSON WITHOUT MOODYS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT.MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS, ASSESSMENTS, OTHER OPINIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY ANY PERSON AS A BENCHMARK AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED FOR REGULATORY PURPOSES AND MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY WAY THAT COULD RESULT IN THEM BEING CONSIDERED A BENCHMARK.All information contained herein is obtained by MOODYS from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. Recipient email addresses will not be used in mailing lists or redistributed. The scores support Moody's Investors Service's integration of ESG in its credit analysis, providing greater clarity, consistency and differentiation on risk exposure and the degree of credit impact. 2023 Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moodys Analytics, Inc. and/or their affiliates and licensors. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error as well as other factors, however, all information contained herein is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. MOODY'S adopts all necessary measures so that the information it uses in assigning a credit rating is of sufficient quality and from sources MOODY'S considers to be reliable including, when appropriate, independent third-party sources. 0800-666-3506. our global press information hotlines: New York +1-212-553-0376, SEE APPLICABLE MOODYS RATING SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS PUBLICATION FOR INFORMATION ON THE TYPES OF CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ADDRESSED BY MOODYS CREDIT RATINGS. MOODYS DEFINES CREDIT RISK AS THE RISK THAT AN ENTITY MAY NOT MEET ITS CONTRACTUAL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS AS THEY COME DUE AND ANY ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSS IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT OR IMPAIRMENT. Moody's Investors Service today published environmental, social and governance (ESG) issuer profile and credit impact scores for a range of corporate issuers, utilities and US state and local governments. . Moody's ESG Framework, June 2019 5 Moody's Analytical Approach to ESG ESG Analytical How are ESG factors Tools incorporated into an issuer's credit rating? The new scores differentiate entities on their exposure to ESG considerations and the impact that has on their credit rating. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on www.moodys.com for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history. They come on the hills of the agency's ESG scor e s for a range of corporate issuers, utilities and US governments earlier this month and for sovereign issuers published in January. RLGs in these markets are exposed to potentially significant financial and social costs. London, England, United Kingdom. London +44-20-7772-5456, Tokyo +813-5408-4110, Hong Kong States: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is Neutral-to-Low for most but! 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