openid foundation fapi

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openid foundation fapi

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March 19, 2023

OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 for your enterprise The Connect2id server is a certified API-driven platform for delivering OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 to the enterprise. Follow RFC 6125. I guess that the snapshot of FAPI specification which was referred to when Open Banking Profile (OBP) was developed didnt contain the sentence, by requesting the acr claim as an essential claim. The value of the flag can be changed by nbf Claim in the Service Owner Console. Because of this requirement, the nbf claim has become mandatory. Otherwise, the protected resource endpoint must generate a new value for x-fapi-interaction-id. NOTE: ID2 requires that response_type be either code id_token or code id_token token when JARM is not used, but the Final version has removed code id_token token. When a client application requests an access token and accesses APIs with the access token, which security profile should apply, FAPI Part 1 or FAPI Part 2, or neither of them? In this case, JARM has to be used to assure that the authorization response has not been tampered. shall provide non-guessable access tokens, authorization codes, and refresh token (where applicable), with sufficient entropy such that the probability of an attacker guessing the generated token is computationally infeasible as per RFC 6749 Section 10.10; ID2 requires that access tokens have a minimum of 128 bits of entropy, but the Final version avoids mentioning the exact size of the minimum entropy and just says sufficient entropy. ID Token as detached signature, 5. shall support both signed and signed & encrypted ID Tokens. I dont explain the difference between the client types here as it is prior knowledge for those who read the FAPI specification. On the other hand, If openid is not in the scope value, an authorization request by a public client: shall include the state parameter defined in section 4.1.1 of RFC6749; shall verify that the scope received in the token response is either an exact match, or contains a subset of the scope sent in the authorization request; and. Press Run New Test on the first test module. Please note that it may take a few days before completing the process as the process is not automated yet. In contrast, if an authorization server wants to support encryption of ID tokens, the authorization server has to handle client-side keys, too. These two utilize the client certificate used in a TLS connection between the client and the token endpoint for client authentication. How to implement the scope-based switch? Part 2: Client Authentication (except none). When response_type does not contain id_token, the authorization response will include no ID token. The client MUST implement CSRF protection for its redirection URI. For example, (1) prepare scopes named read and write, (2) adopt a rule where the read scope requires FAPI Part 1 requirements be satisfied and the write scope requires FAPI Part 2 requirements be satisfied, and (3) implement APIs so that they interpret the scopes accordingly. 1. the response_type value code id_token, or. In the United States, large banking and insurance organizations still struggle with aggregator services and FinTech companies who continue using screen scraping as a means to an end. In general, Mutual TLS means that a client is also required to present its X.509 certificate in a TLS connection. Protected resources provisions, 11. shall set the response header x-fapi-interaction-id to the value received from the corresponding FAPI client request header or to a RFC4122 UUID value if the request header was not provided to track the interaction, e.g., x-fapi-interaction-id: c770aef3-6784-41f7-8e0e-ff5f97bddb3a; This is a requirement specific to FAPI. Authlete checks all scope attributes of requested scopes, picks up the smallest value among values of access_token.duration attributes, and uses it as the duration of an access token being issued. However, because the requirement was impractical, it was changed to the current one. OIDF FAPI Outreach Workshops for Open Banking Brazil - Spring 2021; OIDF FAPI Outreach Workshops in Australia in Partnership with the Data Standards Body - Spring 2021; . Formed in June 2007, the foundation serves as a public trust organization representing the open community of developers, vendors, and users. Encryption of ID tokens is optional. Authlete supports the functionality by treating a scope attribute named access_token.duration in a special way. This is not related to FAPI, but I explain this feature here because Im often consulted about the feature in the context of Bank API by customers who want to make duration of access tokens for remittance shorter than that of access tokens for other purposes. The FAPI requirement above requires nonce even in the authorization code flow if openid is included in scope. The implementation of the API extracts an access token and a client certificate from the request, calculates the hash value of the client certificate and checks the hash value matches the one that is associated with the access token. Returning authenticated users identifier, 2. shall perform the authentication request verification as in Section of OIDC; Part 1: A typical authorization page will tell the user just that the client application is requesting the payment scope. In fact, ForgeRock is often the first digital identity provider to support standards, such as User Managed Access (UMA) and the OpenID Foundation's FAPI (Financial-Grade API). Part 2: 6.2.1. Thank you for reading this long post till the end. Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily Security considerations of Part 1 lists security considerations. When the encryption algorithm for ID tokens is an asymmetric one, the authorization server must either (1) manage public keys of client applications directly in its database or (2) fetch JWK Set documents from the locations pointed to by clients jwks_uri metadata and extract public keys from the documents. Download source code. FAPI 2.0 changes the format slightly from what we are used to in 1.0. OpenBanking UK authorization servers require an Intent ID to be created prior to authorisation using an access token obtained with the client credentials grant, which is then passed as an essential claim in the request object. (withdrawn) here indicates that the requirement which existed in the previous FAPI versions has been withdrawn. On the mechanism, Authlete treats the attribute name fapi in a special way. Authorization Server is saying shall require the response_type value code id_token. In an API-dominant world, leveraging FAPI protocols has become increasingly critical to streamlining user experience and remaining secure in banking. On the other hand, if response_mode=query.jwt is added to an authorization request, the authorization response will become like below. In short, OIDC allows users to authenticate via the OAuth authorization server, thus providing a consent layer for the client (software, app, or service). shall use separate and distinct redirect URI for each authorization server that it talks to; shall store the redirect URI value in the resource owners user-agents (such as browser) session and compare it with the redirect URI that the authorization response was received at, where, if the URIs do not match, the client shall terminate the process with error; These requirements are so clear that further explanation is not needed. There are some use cases where you want to tie information to an access token but hide the information from the client application and the user. The FAPI Final verison renamed them to Baseline Security Profile and Advanced Security Profile. However, the Final version made the requirement more abstract (= changed the requirement from LoA2 to appropriate LoA). However, this approach imposes heavy restrictions on scope names. Every authorization server implementation that claims it supports OAuth 2.0 must conform to Section 4.1.4 of RFC 6749. shall return the list of granted scopes with the issued access token if the request was passed in the front channel and was not integrity protected; In RFC 6749, the scope response parameter can be omitted unless requested scopes and granted ones are different (RFC 6749, 5.1. In contrast, FAPI Part 2 requires exp as a mandatory claim. In the United States and many other markets, institutions that process sensitive consumer information are looking to FAPI and open banking as a potential model for securely scaling competitive products within insurance, healthcare, and telecommunications. OIDC Core calls it authentication request. FAPI financial grade API is a security framework pioneered by the OpenID Foundation providing technical guidance and requirements for securely using APIs in the financial industry, as well as across industries requiring higher security protocols. Like this episode? The code snippet below is the actual implementation excerpted from Authletes source code. The specification of PAR was developed based on the idea. Part 1 doesnt discuss encryption of authorization request. BTW, this requirement is loosened in UK Open Banking which is based on FAPI Part 2. If the current implementation of an authorization server uses randomly-generated strings as authorization codes and removes them from the database after they are used, the authorization codes have to be kept in the database even after they are used just only for the verification. Financial-grade API ( FAPI) is a technical specification that Financial-grade API Working Group of OpenID Foundation has developed. When the test has completed, press Continue Plan to start the next test, or Return to Plan to view your progress. In exchange, a lot of prior knowledge is required to read it smoothly. OIDC has the same requirement. Authorization server implementations may provide a mechanism to mitigate the impact of the breaking change. Part 2 is recommended when higher security than Part 1 is needed. Summary of the requirements above is shall follow OIDC Core specification. Nothing special for FAPI. The authorization_details parameter is used to enable an access token to hold detailed information about authorization. The server verifies the client certificate (this should be done even in a context irrelevant to OAuth) and then checks whether the Subject Distinguished Name or Subject Alternative Name matches the pre-registered one. enable users to control security and privacy settings. If the scope list does not include any scope having an attribute of fapi=rw but includes a scope having an attribute of fapi=r, the authorization request is regarded as a request for FAPI Part 1. 09, 2016 18 likes 13,874 views Technology This presentation explains the newly formed FAPI WG at OpenID Foundation. shall create JWT-secured authorization responses as specified in JARM, Section 4.3. Subscribe to Openid-specs-fapi by filling out the following This is typically accomplished by requiring any request sent to the redirection URI endpoint to include a value that binds the request to the user-agents authenticated state (e.g., a hash of the session cookie used to authenticate the user-agent). Section lists requirements for authorization servers which are applied when an ID token is used as a detached signature. Signing a request object is not mandatory in OIDC Core, but signing is mandatory in FAPI Part 2. Mutual TLS for OAuth Client Authentication as specified in Section 2 of MTLS, and. Controls should be in place to reduce the effectiveness of eavesdroppers and online guessing attacks. 8.3.5 Because an access token is bound to an X.509 certificate, stolen access tokens cannot be used without corresponding certificates. OIDF FAPI Outreach Workshops in Australia in Partnership with the Data Standards Body - Spring 2021; OIDF Virtual Workshop Thursday, April 29, 2021 . If that is the case, what approach has Authlete adopted? 8.8 Dont allow privileged actions without an access token. Part 2: Therefore, you need to understand them perfectly. ID Token as detached signature, 1. shall include the value openid into the scope parameter in order to activate OIDC support; This is not a FAPI-specific requirement. This allowed them to scale payment services without accessing banking APIs. It provides conformance testing methods, which can be automated. ID Token as detached signature, 6. should not return sensitive PII in the ID Token in the authorization response, but if it needs to, then it should encrypt the ID Token. Generally speaking, recent regulations require that grant be more specific. What is FAPI? In other words, when an ID token is requested. But, as mentioned in the previous section, id_token doesnt have to be included in the response_type request parameter when JARM is used. RFC 8414). Part 1: Part 2: Which language do you prefer to display your messages? This feature can be utilized to associate transaction information with an access token. shall support OIDD, may support RFC8414 and shall not distribute discovery metadata (such as the authorization endpoint) by any other means. HISTORY: The 7th section of ID2 showed an idea about pre-registration of an authorization request. RFC 7591) and the jwks_uri server metadata (cf. As a result, the authorization server can generate an authorization page which includes the details of the authorization request. In self_signed_tls_client_auth, a self-signed client certificate is used instead of a PKI client certificate. However, the section was removed by the FAPI Final version because it was replaced with pushed authorization request endpoint defined in OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR). Before using JARM, client applications have to set a value to the authorization_signed_response_alg metadata in advance. shall use RFC7636 with S256 as the code challenge method if using PAR; and. Passing Request Parameters as JWTs of OIDC Core. The Internet Identity Layer. If APIs are implemented in this way, the implementation of an authorization endpoint can change its behavior dynamically by (a) applying FAPI Part 2 requirements when the scope request parameter includes the write scope, (b) applying FAPI Part 1 requirements when the scope request parameter does not include the write scope but includes the read scope, and (c) applying normal OAuth 2.0 and OIDC requirements when the scope request parameter includes neither the read scope nor the write scope. This chapter picks up some topics related to FAPI implementation. may support the pushed authorization request endpoint as described in PAR; The pushed authorization request endpoint is a new endpoint defined in OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR). zip tar.gz tar.bz2 tar. Next, lets read Part 2 which defines advanced security profile. Protected resources provisions, 6. shall identify the associated entity to the access token; Part 1: 6.2.1. For details about CIBA, please read the following article. Clone. ID Token as Detached Signature defines s_hash for that purpose. That's why it's welcome news that the OpenID Foundation's Financial-grade API (FAPI) Working Group recently announced the publication of final versions of their 1.0 security profiles. I hear that some regulations in Europe require an access token be issued per transaction under some conditions. Protected resources provisions, 14. should support the use of Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) [CORS] and or other methods as appropriate to enable JavaScript clients to access the endpoint if it decides to provide access to JavaScript clients. This functionality cannot be achieved by scope attribute which was explained in Access Token Duration because the functionality requires data be handled per access token, not per scope. should clearly identify the details of the grant to the user during authorization as in 16.18 of OIDC; Suppose that a client application requests payment scope. In other cases, the authorization request is treated as a normal OAuth 2.0 / OIDC request. These specifications will be mentioned again later. ), Select the relevant test plan from the Select a Test Plan dropdown menu, one with FAPI-RW-ID2: Authorization server test or FAPI1-Advanced-Final: Authorization server test in the name, Select the test options; this depends on your client authentication type(s) and whether your server follows the openbanking uk specification or not. Authlete's /auth/authorization API that parses an authorization request checks scopes listed in the scope request parameter in the authorization request and regards the request as a request for FAPI Part 2 if the scope list includes a scope that has an attribute of fapi=rw. The specification is called FAPI-CIBA Profile. At LoA2, there is some confidence in the claimed or asserted identity of the entity. Protected resources provisions, 12. shall log the value of x-fapi-interaction-id in the log entry; and. ID Token as detached signature, 4. shall return ID Token as a detached signature to the authorization response; This requires that an authorization server issue an ID token, but because the condition written at the top of Section requires that id_token be included in response_type and so an ID token is issued as a general consequence, this requirement doesnt have to exist. When the client application accesses an API of the target resource server, it uses the same client certificate that was previously used in the communication with the token endpoint. NOTE: The final version of the FAPI specification dropped Token Binding due to its unlikeliness of future availability. See Implementers note about JAR (JWT Secured Authorization Request) for details. alg (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWE, RFC 8707 Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0, RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens, How to add extra properties to an access token, OAuth client authentication using a client certificate, TLS communication using a client certificate, Client authentication using a client certificate, bizdev@authlete.com for business partnership, support@authlete.com for technical questions. Integrity protected here means that a Request Object (OIDC Core Section 6 or JAR) is used. The screenshot below is client-side settings for JARM in Authletes web console that is provided for client management. Pushed authentication requests (PAR) are mandatory, JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode (JARM is not used), Client credentials grant is used to obtain an access token with scope=accounts, account-access-consents is used to create a ConsentId prior to test running only one permission is requested: ReadAccountsBasic, ConsentId is pass in request object to PAR endpoint in a parameterized scope, accounts endpoint is expected to be used for resource endpoint tests. OIDC Section (Authorization Code Flow) states that nonce is optional. Aside from the names, considering that the specification of an authorization endpoint is the main part of OIDC Core, the FAPIs requirement is almost equal to stating shall support OIDC Core. Articles below may help understanding these specifications. client_id and response_type) are omitted, the request is no longer compliant with OAuth 2.0 / OIDC Core. To begin with, Part 1 which defines baseline security profile. One functional difference is that Extra Properties can choose to expose or hide extra properties. 8.6.1 RSA1_5 encryption algorithm must not be used. Therefore, I decided to tweak Authlete and added OPEN_BANKING option in addition to FAPI option. Discovery information of authorization servers that support JARM includes one or more of query.jwt, fragment.jwt, form_post.jwt and jwt in the list of supported response modes (response_modes_supported). Protected resources provisions, 10. shall send the server date in HTTP Date header as in Section of RFC7231; The format of Date header is defined in A request object must include all request parameters to conform to FAPI Part 2. Other industry standards and groups, such as BIAN APIs, have also helped. When an incoming request has x-fapi-interaction-id, the same value of the header must be included in the response. Enter your admin address and password to visit the subscribers list: openid-specs-fapi-owner at lists.openid.net, Openid-specs-fapi administrative interface, Overview of all lists.openid.net mailing lists, To post a message to all the list members, send email to. Signing algorithms of JWS are listed in 3.1. The expression was changed but the point remains the same. If an authorization server embeds hash values of response parameters (such as code and state) into an ID token, a client application can confirm that the values of the response parameters have not been tampered by computing hash values of the response parameter values and comparing them to the hash values embedded in the ID token. Likewise, when an elliptic curve algorithm is used, the key size must be 160 at minimum. OpenID Foundation; fapi-examples; F. fapi-examples Project ID: 20738629 Star 0 13 Commits; 1 Branch; 0 Tags; 256 KB Project Storage. See Section 4.4. alg (Algorithm) Header Parameter Values for JWE of RFC 7518 (JSON Web Algorithms). Authentication Request of OIDC Core is the definition of a request to an authorization endpoint in the context of OpenID Connect. Part 1: 6.2.1. The following is an example of JSON that needs to be given as the value of the claims request parameter in order to mark urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver as an essential ACR. Protected resources provisions, 4. shall verify that the access token is neither expired nor revoked; Part 1: 6.2.1. provide JSON data schemas, security and privacy recommendations and protocols to: enable applications to utilize the data stored in the financial account, enable applications to interact with the financial account, and. Since the version 2.2, Authlete supports OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests (RAR). Since old days, Authlete has provided a mechanism to set arbitrary key-value pairs to an access token. Therefore, the flag OPEN_BANKING is not meaningful any more. Also, you can still subscribe and just read the list without submitting the IPR agreement. When JARM is used, this requirement doesnt have to be followed. 7.4.1. Returning authenticated users identifier, 3. shall authenticate the user as in Section and of OIDC; Part 1: 8.5. FYI: JWT is used at the following places in an authorization server implementation. , may support RFC8414 and shall not distribute discovery metadata ( cf for. Shall require the response_type request parameter when JARM is used by nbf in! Financial-Grade API ( FAPI ) is used to enable an access token used. Of future availability client management 160 at minimum, may support RFC8414 and shall not distribute discovery (. Attribute named access_token.duration in a TLS connection or asserted identity of the above. 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