
Matthan’s film title not SHIKARI

Producer-director John Matthew Matthan has clarified that he is yet to arrive at a suitable title for his much-anticipated Ajay-Shahid starrer. The clarification comes in the wake of a media report that stated that Matthan had finally confirmed SHIKARI as the title of his much-anticipated film. Says Matthan, “The title was suggested by a fellow industry colleague and some people got wind of it. The truth is that I am yet to find an appropriate title for my film. It is definitely not SHIKARI,” he revealed.

Matthan, who has finished shooting 95 percent of the film, was earlier looking at a Diwali release for the film but the unprecedented rains led him to cancel the balance shooting of four days. “I have now decided to schedule the film for a November end release but not before I am convinced about an apt and befitting title for the film,” he smiles.

The film according to him tells the story of a young boy who steps out into the world from his protective environment and singularly learns the hard lessons of life. “I’d describe it in one line as the coming of age of a young boy who’s oblivious to the ways of the world,” Matthan elaborates.

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